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Public Speaking Competition

Stefanie Faria

We held our Annual Public Speaking Competition. Students from Grades 4- 8 research a topic and then write a 3 - 5 minute speech. They present their speech in their classrooms to their peers and teacher. Students are then selected to move onto the gym level to compete against the representatives from the other grades. We had 7 competitors from the Junior Division (Gr. 4,5,6). The 7 students all did really well, exuding confidence with every word! The judges were impressed with each speech.

Next up came 6 students in the Intermediate Division (Gr. 7 & 8). These 6 students confidently shared their well written speeches to the judges and audience. Congratulations to all of our presenters!

The top 2 finishers will now move onto the Local Legion level competition. This event is happening on Wednesday February 28th at the Legion. The students will compete against students from a number of other local schools.

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